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The story of this brand is the story of the amazingly successful union of two businessmen, Charles Rolls and Henry Royce. One was a rich aristocrat and the other grew up in poverty and only a year of schooling, but together they created a car that became an absolute symbol of success.


Interesting fact: in the name of the company the surnames of a rich man and a poor man meet. The first is the surname of the rich man, Charles Rolls. He was born into a family of hereditary aristocrats from Wales, received two higher educations and was interested in automobiles from his childhood - he even became the first student at Cambridge to have his own car. After graduation, he opened his own company, which was engaged in the importation of cars, it was founded in 1902 and was named C.S.Rolls & Co. But the usual imports Rolls seemed not enough, he dreamed of creating his own car.

The second surname in the brand name - Royce - belongs to Henry Royce, the founder and first engineer of the company. In contrast to Rolls, Royce was born into a poor, practically poor family: from the age of ten he worked as a newspaper deliveryman and a letter carrier. At the same time, Royce understood that without an education he could do nothing in life, so in his spare time he studied French and German, electrical engineering and mathematics.


In 1904, Rolls Royce is introduced. The year before, the Royce workshop produced three 10-horsepower cars. There were no particularly new technical solutions in the cars, but they looked good and were characterized by excellent assembly and reliable parts.


The cars created a real furore in England - all the local newspapers wrote about them, and a little later - the world's newspapers. The fame was so great that an article about these cars appeared even in the Russian magazine "Za rulyom". Charles Rolls had also heard about them, and was just looking for an engineer to help him develop his own car. On May 1, 1904, a cooperation agreement between Rolls and Royce was signed at the Midland Restaurant. This day is considered the official foundation of the Rolls-Royce company.

In 1906 the international market saw the first official car under the brand name Rolls-Royce - Silver Ghost (1907-1925) with the famous symbols. A 7-liter engine with six cylinders and reinforced metal frame were the features of the car design. The model was named 40/50 HP.


During the war the company's main focus was the production of aircraft engines, as well as gas turbine engines. In 1947 began mass production of the Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith (1947-1959). Because of the low performance the model was not popular with consumers. Totally 2,083 copies were made.


The next model was the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud (1955-1965). Despite the outdated design, customer interest was great. Within 4 years, 2,238 cars came off the assembly line. Totally 7,248 units were sold over 10 years. From 1959 to 1968 the massive Phantom V was produced. Maximum speed of the car reached 165 km/h, despite its huge mass - 2.7 tons. During 9 years only 832 cars were produced. Since 1968, it was replaced by the Phantom VI, with improved equipment, but the same design.


For almost 50 years, until the end of the 1950s, the brand felt extremely confident - Rolls-Royce formed the image of a premium British car, which was driven by businessmen, celebrities and even representatives of the monarchy. For example, the Phantom of the fourth and fifth generations was driven by the royal family, and this became excellent publicity and led to a sharp increase in sales that year.


Everything changed in 1960: another crisis was raging in the world, but Rolls-Royce seemed such a stable brand that the administration decided not to rewrite the business strategy for the economic downturn. Moreover, the company began work on two large-scale projects at once - the production of a new car model and the creation of a jet engine. But the managers miscalculated: the number of buyers decreased during the crisis and the new developments were not in demand. As a result, the brand took out loans from several banks and subsequently went bankrupt.


In 1971 the company was officially declared insolvent. However, the British public could not allow the closure of Rolls-Royce - the brand was considered a symbol of the country and a national treasure. As a result, the state was forced to pay 250 million dollars to repay the company's loans.

From then on, bidding for the company began. The bidders were BMW, Volkswagen and Daimler-Benz. The bidding was incredibly tense, and the deal was cancelled several times: first, Daimler-Benz withdrew from the struggle, which decided to develop its own Maybach brand. Then BMW and Volkswagen increased the amount of the deal several times in order to outbid the competitor. After several months of negotiations, a compromise was reached: BMW bought the Rolls-Royce brand directly, and Volkswagen received the rights to Bentley.



We accept bespoke parts for famous brands including Rolls-Royce. You can write us the model of the car, its year and the necessary part you want to find and our staff will contact you shortly to discuss possible delivery methods.

 1. Audio, navigation, electronic systems
2. automatic transmission
3. Auxiliary materials and operating fluids/color system
4. Bodywork
5. Brakes
6. Communications
7. Remote control systems, cruise control
8. Drive shaft

9. Engine

10. Engine and transmission Suspension

Engine electrical system

12. Spare parts for equipment

13. Exhaust system

14. Front axle

15. Fuel treatment system

16. Fuel supply

17. Heater and air conditioning

18. Instrumentation, metering systems 19.

19. lighting

20. Pedals

21. Radiator

22. Rear axle

23. Retention system and accessories

24. Seats

25. Steering system

26. Technical literature

27. Universal accessories

Vehicle electrical system 29.

29. Car trim

30. Wheels

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